
Speech On The Scottsboro Boys

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The Scottsboro Boys
Have you ever heard of the Scottsboro Boys or wondered about the early Jim Crow South? Well, the Scottsboro Boys were a group of black youths that got into a fight with white boys in a freight car on a train going from Chattanooga, TN south to Alabama. After the white boys told officers about the fight, the Boys were taken into custody. Then two white girls that were on the train accused the black youths of rape and they were officially arrested. The story of the Scottsboro Boys is one of cruelty, neglect, and lies in the Jim Crow south. This is how the story of the Scottsboro Boys begin. March 25, 1931 four African American boys jumped on a freight car in Chattanooga, TN. The boys names were Haywood Patterson, Eugene Williams, Roy and Andy Wright (Aretha 9). A white boy stepped on Patterson’s hand and almost pushed Williams off the train, then the trouble began (Aretha 10). After Patterson stood up for his friends and himself, the white boys got mad and threw rocks at the black youths. The boys from Chattanooga were joined by other black men. After the four from Chattanooga told them about what happened, the four and about 8 others confronted the attackers. A fight broke out and some whites jumped off the train and some were tossed off. One white boy remained, Orville Gilley, because the black boys decided it wouldn’t be safe to toss him off (Aretha 12). There were also two white girls on the train, Victoria Price and Ruby Bates (Aretha 10). The train

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