
Starbucks Essay

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Starbucks is a corporation well known for roasting, marketing and retailing of crafted quality beverage that is based on coffee. Starbucks started its operations in Seattle’s Pike place market with Howard Schultz helping in its marketing and retailing efforts. The company is extremely successful and focused on the development of positive company-customer relationships. Starbucks uses company-customer relationships and a customer-centered approach as its key business strategy. The customer-centered approach allows the company to maintain its current position in the market.
What factors accounted for the extraordinary success of Starbucks in the early 1990s? What was so compelling about the Starbucks value proposition?
The vision of …show more content…

Why have Starbucks customer satisfaction scores declined? Has the company’s service declined, or is it simply measuring satisfaction the wrong way?
Overall, Starbucks customer satisfaction scores began to decline due to their steps of service and customer centric service in the stores. Starbucks differentiated itself by providing more beverage choices and allowing the customers to customize their drinks. However, this worked against them because they were in heavily dense areas that contributed to longer wait time. Additionally, that led Starbucks customers to believe the coffee chain was focus on making money and building more stores not customer satisfaction. A poll of the customers “improvements to service,” particularly speed of service, was most mentioned.
How Does the Starbucks of 2002 differ from the Starbucks of 1992?
In 1992 the company had $100,000 in savings and The coffee brand was successful, but still relatively small. After going public the company started focusing on the expansion of the brand. Starbucks had 140 stores located in the Northwest and Chicago. Ten years later, in 2002, Starbucks had over 4500 stores I the U.S. and internationally. During that time Starbucks had healthy financial growth and solid earnings and return, while still in their fast-growth stage. The company has managed to continue healthy operations while generating enough public funds to finance

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