
Stereotypes Against The Biker Community

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There is a certain freedom that comes with riding down a long highway at eighty miles per hour on a Harley Davidson. That kind of freedom is something that only a minority of society chooses to indulge in, while another minority looks down upon them and chastises them for their decisions. “All bikers are bad news and the scum of society” they say as they sit in their easy chair reading shakespeare and sipping tea. Even to this day, there is a stigma held against the biker community that they are all just a bunch of trouble makers and beer drinkers that live outside the laws. Being a man who has been around the biker community since I was born, I’m here to share some knowledge and hopefully convince the skeptics that not all bikers are bad news. …show more content…

Much to some people’s surprise, most bikers are just everyday folk who enjoy a different mode of transport. The belief that all bikers are outlaws stems from the fact that the media only covers the bad of the biker community. Fox News would rather cover how outlaw motorcycle clubs kill each other instead of covering how some motorcycle clubs do multiple charity runs and events for children per year. This in turn makes the entire community look bad when the public is only being presented with the negative side of the culture. A study done many years ago stated that ninety-nine percent of bikers are law abiding citizens, with only one percent engaging in criminal activity. These bikers can often be found wearing “1%” patches on their clothing, signifying themselves as part of the outlaw community. At the end of the day, the biker community is like any other community, you have a small percentage of bad guys and a majority of good …show more content…

Organizations such as the Patriot Guard Riders attend fallen veterans funerals and other public national events. Even the outlaw motorcycle clubs such as the Hells Angels put on toy runs and charity runs for children, along with fundraisers for their communities. Most people are even ignorant to the fact that there exist many Christian motorcycle clubs, in which members are brought together through a love and devotion to God. One could argue that organizations and clubs do this simply to cover up their criminal activities, but I would argue that the biker community doesn’t care at all what the public thinks of them. That is the mentality of a biker, thus they would have no need to cover up their crimes. Many motorcycle clubs even put on shows for the public and host entire rallies, and a good portion of that money goes directly to

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