
Steve Jobs Accomplishments

Decent Essays

Steve Jobs was a visionary genius with unparalleled creativity. His stringent leadership and perfectionist ideals propelled him to creating innovative products that have changed the way people live their lives. Undoubtedly, Jobs’s biggest achievement was creating Apple, but his presence engulfed much of the world of technology. Steve Jobs changed the way that all people live today by starting numerous influential companies, revolutionizing the world of technology, and inspiring many visionaries.
During his lifetime, Steve Jobs founded and revitalized numerous companies which continue to affect the world today. First, he founded Apple Inc, a consumer electronics company that continues to develop very successful products such as the iPhone, …show more content…

In 1984, Jobs introduced the Macintosh, the first computer with a graphical user interface, a mouse, and various fonts. Later, Jobs invented the iMac, which was a powerful all-in-one desktop computer that has inspired many Windows computers today. In 2001, Jobs introduced the iPod, which revitalized the dying MP3 player market and increased portability of digital media. By 2010, Jobs introduced the iPad, which was the first modern tablet. Arguably, Jobs’s most recognizable invention was the iPhone, the smartphone that he introduced in 2007. The iPhone was an integration of many individual devices into one compact and simple smartphone. This creation went on to become the base for all modern smartphones, and continues to play a major role in the mobile device industry today. In conclusion, Steve Jobs revolutionized the world of consumer electronics by using his extraordinary creativity to drive the world …show more content…

Jobs’s tragic passing in October 2011 reminded Bill Gates, Microsoft’s founder, to “pick important stuff” when thinking about his philanthropic causes, because, in his words, “you only have a limited time.” Furthermore, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s founder, revealed that Steve Jobs taught him invaluable lessons on building a company, forming a detail-oriented team, and keeping an organization focused. Moreover, Larry Page, founder of Google, has also taken business advice from Jobs. In his note to Jobs’s family after his death, Page wrote, “He was very kind to reach out to me as I became CEO of Google and spend time offering his advice and knowledge even though he was not at all well.” To conclude, Steve Jobs has remained a guiding force in many entrepreneurs’ lives even after his

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