
Steve Jobs Tribute Speech

Decent Essays

It takes a special kind of person to change the world. • Someone with the ability to bring true innovation to the world and the ability to make a difference. • Someone that can completely change the way we interact with gadgets and computers.
That man is Steve Jobs. • CEO of Apple • Bad health o Everyone knew that the time would eventually come, but no one could have predicted that it’d happen so soon. ▪ On October 5th, 2011: Steve Jobs, our generations hero of the technology industry, died.
Going to share his journey, because we can all learn something from it.

In 1955, a child that was going to change the world was born • Steve Jobs’ biological mother was very …show more content…

• Sold their first model, Apple I, for $666.66 each. o Earned them $774,000
A few years after the release of their second model, Apple II, sales went up to $139,000,000 dollars. • A 700% increase.
Apple became a publically traded company in 1980 • On the very first day of trading, Apple Computer had a market value of $1.2 Billion
1983 was a powerful year for Apple • Mike Scott from National Semiconductor was serving as their CEO. • Later, Jobs managed to get John Sculley (the CEO of Pepsi-Cola) to become Apple’s CEO. o He persuaded him with a very famous question: ▪ “Do you want to sell sugar water for the rest of your life, or do you want to come with me and change the world?” o During his time, he brought Apple sales from $800 million to $8 billion. o He was Silicon Valley’s highest paid excecutive ▪ He made $2.2 million a year.
This is all just the beginning • In 1984, Jobs introduced Macintosh o First commercially successful small computer with a Graphical User Interface.
1985 was an unforgettable year for Apple and Steve Jobs. • Due to pessimistic sales, significant layoffs were to be made o A power struggle led to Jobs getting fired by his own founded

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