
Street Gang Chapter Summary

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Street Gang: The Complete History of Sesame Street Davis, Michael. New York Peguins 2008 Reviewed by: Manuel TorresBaez 2october 2017 MLS5326 FALL 2017 Book Review: Street Gang Keywords: History and development, Sesame Streets, bibliography, production, major changes, international influence. Brief Overview The book gives a chronological account of the children television show Sesame Streets. The book was published by Michael Davis in 2008 during the fortieth anniversary of the show. The book explains the history of the program, presents bibliographies of the producers and main characters, and narrates first few episodes. It begins by acknowledging Jim Henson …show more content…

Leaders and producers can learn different lessons from the book. Key Lessons Related to Changes, Innovation, and Leadership The primary target of the show were pre-school children from low-income families. The book narrates the episodes of the show in the first week of its production to demonstrate how they were related to its objectives. As a way of preparing children to school, the first episodes were sponsored by number two and three and letters E, S and W. The main lesson from this part is that any producer or leader should remain focused on the objective of the task. Besides praising the show, Davis explains the criticism that it received from the public. The critique contributed to the significant changes made in the show. The aim of criticism is to enlighten producers as to the things they should focus on. Failure to act on the critiques may wreck the show. A good leader should be ready to adopt changes. For example, in the 1970s, the management removed the African-American Muppet as he portrayed negative stereotype due to numerous detentions and other misbehaviors. Also, in the 2000s, the producers included more female characters in the show. The change was made after complaining on gender inequality among characters in the show. The show also focused on the contemporary issues. For example, in 2005, the program started educating children about healthy eating by introducing fruit and vegetable breakfast. Innovating new Muppet every time the program wants

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