
Summary Of Me Talk Pretty One Day

Decent Essays

In David Sedairs' Short story, Me Talk Pretty One Day, the main point of this story is no matter where you’re from, or where you are in life, when learning a new language for the first time it can be an intimidating journey for anyone. I think for David and his classmates this was frightening, and exciting, but also exhilarating. No one likes to be subject to the dreadful words and actions that the teacher exhibited, while not fully understanding what was going on or being said in the class. I can imagine how scary this could be for a student in a new country. My audience is still anyone looking to travel abroad and learn a foreign language. Challenges for this demographic is going to be that this is for one specific encounter, and there is only this one account to base this on. David Sedaris talks about his account when he moved to France to learn French and how his fear went beyond the classroom when doing everyday things. One way this key point supports the story is when David Sedaris talks about how he would avoid going into the grocery stores or coffee shops because he was afraid he would have to speak French. "My fear and discomfort crept beyond the borders of the classroom and accompanied me out onto the wide boulevards. Stopping for a coffee, asking directions, depositing money in my bank account: these things were out of the question, as they involved having to speak. "(Sedaris, 2000). This supports his goal because he describes in detail the specific accounts he had with the locals and with his teacher in the classroom. I agree with his accounts he had while in France because he tells his story with vivid detail and encounters he had with the locals. He talks about how the teacher would tell him that she hated him and how he would take this personally, although this was happening with every student. Everyone in the class was subject to the mean and vulgar things that the teacher would do. He states that he is not alone and could seek comfort from his classmates as they were also having the same experience. This is supported by his account with his classmates and the conversations they would have in the hallways. Figuring out how to find his place among the younger generation in his class by

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