
Summary Of The Museum By Leila Aboulela

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Leila Aboulela writes “The Museum” in a way that can make the reader feel like they are connected and present with the characters. Held in a prestigious university in Scotland, the University of Aberdeen, “The Museum” highlights many difficult challenges that can be faced in a lifetime, and that makes the story even more relatable. Leila Aboulela really knows how to capture her readers, which makes her story so memorable. Aboulela uses explicit adjectives to describe common things that advance the story even more. For example the reoccuring color blue on page 372 that evokes the sad feeling that Shadia develops throughout the story. Shadia, the main character of the short story, is one that is relatable to a lot of readers. Shadia is a focused woman, dedicated to her education. Throughout the study we understand that Shadia really wants to come out of her shell of being that responsible serious woman, and let loose a little, but because of her pressure back home and the fact that she is engaged to a fairly wealthy man, she finds it difficult to do so. Shadia is from Egypt and traveled to Scotland to complete her graduate degree. Though she knows she is strictly there only for her graduation, she focuses on the negatives of Scotland, how the people party on the weekends and the lack of sunshine and heat, and the pale blue and gray skies that she can’t attribute to the skies at home. Another character that is important in the story is Bryan, a student at the University,

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