
Summary Of Three Generations Of Native American Women's Birth Experience

Decent Essays

The two short stories that I will use for this essay are “Three Generations of Native American’s Birth Experience” by Joy Harjo and “Black Mountatin, 1977” by Donald Antrim. In “Black Mountain, 1977”, the story is about a grandson and grandfather that try to keep a relationship even when the grandfather’s daughter doesn’t want them to have a relationship. The grandson would stay with his grandparents and found a way to keep their relationship strong even with some of the problems that happened along the way. In “Three Generations of Native American Women’s Birth Experience”, the story starts out with a girl as a pregnant teenager about to give birth on a reservation in a hospital that gave her free care but was not a pleasant place. Then goes on to tell about her next child’s birth and other women in her family about how different their birthing experiences were. Despite “Black Mountain, 1977” telling a story about a dysfunctional family, “Three Generations of Native American Women’s Birth Experience”, tells the growth of a family through hardships. The realism in “Black Mountain, 1977” by Donald Antrim, throughout the short story is evident, but the realism in “Three Generations of Native American Women’s Birth Experience” by Joy Harjo, in contrast is very focused throughout this short story. In the “Black Mountain, 1977”, the family dynamics with the grandson’s mother not wanting him and his grandfather to have a relationship is because of what happened to her when she

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