
Summary: Our Iceberg Is Melting by John Kotter

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Summary: Our Iceberg is Melting

Foreword by Spenser Johnson: One the surface, the story of this book appears to be a fable that is relatively easy to grasp, but it does subtly impart an invaluable lesson on change. The book covers John Kotter’s Eight Steps to bring about successful organizational change and can be equally useful for a high-school student as it is for a CEO of a multi-national organization.
Welcome Note by John Kotter: People do not often understand the need for change. Businesses, school systemsand even nations do not know understand what to do, how to make it happen and how to make it stick. This book shows the traps in which people often fall while facing the challenge of change - using a fable. A fable is used in …show more content…

Will we answer that we knew and did not act?” She continued “We should let everyone know about it and arrive at a solution which everyone will agree with.” On this again a section of council led by NoNo said that it would create “unnecessary” panic and we should stick to creating a committee like we do in normal problems. Hearing this Fred came up with an idea and said while showing a glass bottle “This looks like ice, but is not ice. It does not melt and my father had found it near the shore. What we can do is to fill it with water and seal it with a fish bone. If on freezing during the night it explodes, we call an assembly or we go with business as usual.” Everyone agreed and the bottle was kept under supervision of a penguin called Buddy. Next morning the bottle was found broken and Louis ordered to call an assembly without letting the birds know why it is being called. The meeting began and Alice told abut her swim to the cave, Fred about his observation and Buddy about the bottle to all the penguins. Louis concluded by saying that they will find a way out of it – together. Penguins were shocked but aware and were all thinking. As leaders Alice and Louis had taken the first right step by “reducing complacency and increasing urgency”.
After the meeting, a lot of people gave all kinds of advice

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