
Susan B Anthony Essay Topics

Decent Essays

Women’s Liberation Essay

No genuine equality, no real freedom, no true manhood or womanhood can exist on any foundation save that of pecuniary independence.

Susan B. Anthony’s view on equality and freedom directly relates to the women’s liberation movement and the ongoing feminist challenge. Women had been advocating for equal rights long before the Women's Liberation movement dawned, but never on a large scale until the mid 1900’s. The fear of alienating oneself from society often held women back. In 1869, the movement started to gain momentum when the National Woman Suffrage Association was founded and even more momentum was attained in 1890 when the first state, Wyoming, granted women the right to vote. After suffrage was granted …show more content…

Thanks to Title IX, the U.S. education system has become fair for both men and women, giving the sexes equal opportunity regardless of their gender. In 1982, roughly ten percent more men graduated college with a Bachelor's Degree than women, while today ten percent more women graduate college with a Bachelor's Degree than men. The increased equality at an institutional level has helped women succeed in the educational world and has allowed women more opportunities in the work force, but nearly as many as men. Despite the passing of the Equal Pay Act in 1963, requiring pay equality between men and women, and the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay act of 2009, allowing women more time to file equal pay lawsuits, women still earn only seventy nine cents to a man's dollar. This is not the only example of gender discrimination in the work force. According to a study conducted by the Equality and Human Rights Commission, every year 54,000 women are either fired or forced to quit before, during, or after their maternity leaves. Although The Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 ensures that women cannot be discriminated against or fired due to pregnancy, many companies can get around the law by claiming they are firing a female employee for another reason when they are really firing her because of maternity

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