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Official Address by Hon. Dr. Richard Nchabi Kamwi
Minister of Health and Social Services

On the occasion of the
Official launch of the novel “The Other Presence”
By Namibia’s Dr. Francis Sifiso Nyathi

27 May 2008


Programme Director
Madam Inge Zaamwani-Kamwi, President of NCCI
Mrs Tangeni Angula, CEO of the Namibia Institute of Pathology
Dr. Sifiso Nyathi, the author of the novel “The Other Presence”
Esteemed business leaders
Distinguished invited guests
Members of the Media
Ladies and Gentlemen

I am delighted to join you today in launching this book, an important tool in our ongoing efforts to demystify HIV/AIDS. The book being launched here signifies the author‟s desire to …show more content…

In the end Thomas saved elder Sinvula, who was accused of bewitching his nephew. And not just his uncle, but he reconciled the conflict that had been brewing between his family and friends enabling them to accept and deal with the reality of the disease.

This is the type of change in attitudes and beliefs that we would like to continue to see in Namibia as far as AIDS is concerned. We need to accept that HIV/AIDS is not a mystery and it is amongst us and killing many of our people especially the youth. We also need to accept that
HIV/AIDS patients are not sinful and unwanted members of our society but anyone of us can become a victim of HIV/AIDS in one way or another. 4

Since the first case of HIV was reported in Namibia in 1986, the infection rate has been increasing and HIV/AIDs related deaths record ed have been growing in number. This is despite concerted efforts by the
Government and other stakeholders aimed at providing as much information about HIV/AIDS as possible to the citizens so that they can be empowered to protect themselves against this pandemic. To this date,
HIV/AIDS remains one of the most serious challenges which we must all fight and conquer with greater determination.

The Government‟s response to this pandemic is based on a broad multi sectoral approach that integrates all stakeholders and major players into one overall national action framework. Prevention of the

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