
Tabby Biddle Women In America Analysis

Decent Essays

Women in America “I'm part of Generation X -- the generation where girls and young women were taught that we could be anything, do anything and, if we worked hard enough, could have it all”, said Tabby Biddle a writer and women’s rights advocate (2015). Tabby Biddle isn’t just speaking about her generation but also all the girls in Americas newest generation. Growing up I was under the same impression that I would have all the opportunities I could possibly hope for. I planned on having all sorts of occupations. I wanted to be an artists when I was little, then I thought maybe I will be a teacher, at one point I thought I could be a doctor. The possibilities seemed endless. After college I am planning on opening up my own company and I am determined to let nothing stop me. I believe that because I live in America a country that declared, “that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the …show more content…

The roles of women, and the views society have on them have changed dramatically throughout the past century due to the movements and events that have taken place in America’s history. The reason for the change corresponds directly to the Women’s Suffrage movement, the rise of feminism and the Women’s Rights Movement. The transition of women’s roles in the 20th century has encouraged them to fight for their rights but unfortunately the fight has not been finished. Even with successes, like the ratification of the 19th amendment, and various laws protecting women, they still lacking equal rights in America and it wont change with out the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). If the Equal Rights Amendment is passed women will have the same equality as men under the constitution, discrimination will cease to exist, and as a world leader, America cannot afford to see this issue last any

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