
Integrating Technology In The Classroom

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One of my teachers told me about her children. They use some of the technological learning tools to teach themselves and do their homework. I asked her about the experiences of her children. She said, “They learned more skills on their own. ' ' She feels her children are more active with doing their homework online. How is digital learning going to change schools and education? Is technology improving the teachers and the students? Technology such as digital learning tools, virtual learning, and full-time online schools with blended learning will continue to alter education as we know it for the better in the future. Integrating technology in the school will produce new kinds of schools.

Significantly, using technological tools with …show more content…

According to the Educationweek website. (2014) in the article "Technology in Education","schools is The rapid and constant pace of change in technology is creating both opportunities and challenges for schools." There are many uses of technology in the classroom, however, digital tools have provided many interesting ideas by combining technology and prior knowledge. Also, technology has created new ways to teach, learn, and practice at home. Most schools are equipped with computer labs, therefore students are also able to use and implement technology inside the classroom in schools ' facilities and campuses. The idea of incorporating technology in the classroom aids students when doing PowerPoint presentations, using electronic forms of communication, doing homework online, and accessing their grades. For example, at LCI Houston, teachers allow us to use digital devices and computers to look for specific information, read articles, or look for research. Technology is actually useful for us, moreover, it can be used in many ways. Teachers can stimulate visual learners with pictures. Tactile learners can also benefit by having the ability to go up to a smart board and physically answer questions. For learners that can hear something and remember it, audio technology ranges from cd players, speakers, and websites with listening practices for group or individual instruction. Students can also hear

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