
Teenage Psychiatric Illness

Decent Essays

“There are things to do, there’s a life to live, must ignore my stupid head”-Dodie. One’s mental health is often something that people tend to ignore. In the grand scheme of things it just doesn’t seem important because it isn’t something that people notice when it's unwell on the outside since there are easy ways to bottle it up. The world is constantly rushing around and no one can seem to find a break for self care. The amount of teenagers who suffer from mental health issues are skyrocketing and aren’t getting the help that’s necessary. The record amounts of anxiety, stress, and depression rates are rising rapidly but no one is taking notice. It’s been found that almost 14 million children in the United States have diagnosable mental disorder …show more content…

Millions of adolescents have diagnosable symptoms and are left in a completely helpless situation. A lot of teenagers feel afraid to say anything especially with the negative stigma surrounding mental health; teens remain quiet and suffer in silence which can allow the issues to become chronic. In 1985, the Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA began asking freshmen if they felt ‘overwhelmed by all I had to do’ the first year only 18% said yes, but this past year 41% did (Warnke). The pressure that is put on teens to keep good grades, maintain a social life, do extracurriculars, sports, get a job, and still carve out time to be with family is overwhelming. Teens face the expectation that all of these things take priority over one’s mental and physical well-being, which can send an already burnt out teenager down an inescapable dark spiral. While its non-debatable that mental illness rates are increasing it’s a wonder that no one is doing much about it, not by the government, not in schools, …show more content…

A lot of the time it is hard for a parent to determine the thin line between normal teen mood swings and mental illness (Lehrman). It isn’t at all uncommon during the teenage years for spouts of rebellion and for tidal waves of emotion to come hurling in out of nowhere. Hormones and the awkward limbo of childhood to adulthood has effects on almost everyone at one time or another. But the similarities between angst and mental health issues like depression are a huge part of the reason why less than 35% of teens that are suffering are left without help (Obstacles to Accessing). Depression and General Anxiety Disorder differ from regular whirlwinds of emotions. These illnesses span longer and don’t affect people in the same ways and friends and family members sometimes don't know what to look for; it doesn’t have to be feeling too much, it can be feeling nothing at all. Even the times when teenagers do manage to get help, BBC’s World at One Programme found some children are waiting around 22 months just to see one mental health care professional (Silver). The time it takes to even have access to professional help is ridiculously long, dangerously so. Asking for help is hard enough as it is, but being told to need to wait about 2 years before any assistance makes the entire process a whole

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