
Ten Reasons Why Project Management Is Dynamic

Satisfactory Essays


Presented by

Livhuwani Betty Mashau

Date: 04 June 2015


2.1 Project management dynamics
 Divided into two sections:
2.1.1 The process groups in each phase of the project life cycle
2.1.2 Ten reasons why project management is regarded as dynamic are emphasised.

2.1.1 The process groups in each phase of the project life cycle

 Project management have several transformation (input-output) value-adding processes.
 Each phase of the project life cycle has certain process groups.
 "Process groups" -refers to a specific group of processes as follows (PMBOK* Guide, 2000:30):
 Initiating processes, authorising the project or phase
 Planning processes, defining and refining objectives …show more content…

The nature and characteristics of projects and project management are dynamic
 The nature and characteristics of project management are dynamic
 Dynamic refers to change, energy, new happenings, challenge, conflict and results.
 Due Due to its unique philosophy and form of management project management can thus be viewed as dynamic.
 The characteristics of projects include a dynamic management process as follows :
 Projects have a defined start point, a single definable purpose and a well- defined end state
 Are complex and need skills associated with multiple professions/functions
 Are temporary unique activities with something at stake
 Are unfamiliar and possess elements of uncertainty and risk
 Have several distinct project phases

9. Project management uses different forms of organisation structure:
 it uses multiple professions,
 it-time shares resources,
 it does parallel work execution of work packages,
 it usually involves status and substantial

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