
Terran Challenger Ship

Decent Essays

Obsidian. Quite the interesting rock. It manages to be completely black and shine brightly at the same time. Black like the endless void that surrounds our tiny planet. The pure crushing darkness that swallows light like a starving man, but shines with the blaze of trillions of stars. Humanity had not come across another spacefaring race yet, but the Universe is a big place, with millions of light years between habitable planets, and even more between galaxies.

The battleship Desolation slid through the same void, heading towards the Epsilon system. The ship was only visible when outlined by a star, its sides bristling with the outlines of laser cannons, rail guns, particle beams, missiles, plasma launchers, and the first of its kind, sitting in a turret above the main observation deck, the PSB. The PSB stands for photon sphere bomb, a weapon that could theoretically vaporize a whole planet. The bomb was made up of a sphere of one-way glass that would have a small laser fired inside, to reflect around and grow in power until it shattered on impact, releasing a devastating blast of light and radiation. This system was home to one of the worst trafficking rings in the entire Terran empire, only now discovered. The commander of this ship was Tzo Jhinn, the most promising new Admiral in the Terran Navy. …show more content…

The Ilephanus class is around three miles long, with the raw firepower and hull armor to take on an average pirate fleet, which is about four cruisers, six frigates, and two battleships. The Desolation was part of the new fleet of battleships meant to draw the enemy in close, then completely and utterly demolish them. This would be the Desolation’s, and the new ship class’, test

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