
Texas Vs Johnson Supreme Court Case Essay

Decent Essays

Texas v. Johnson Supreme Court Case This essay is about the supreme court case between Gregory Lee Johnson and the state of Texas. Johnson burned an American flag in public and was arrested. This action was against Texas law. Johnson argued that this was a form of speech which is protected by the first amendment. The content of this essay will consist of the case, the arguments of the case, and the precedent cases. In 1984, Gregory Lee Johnson, while in a protest, burned an american flag in front of the convention center in Dallas, Texas. In the convention center the Republican National Convention was taking place. Johnson burned the flag because he was in disagreement with the policies of President Ronald Reagan. The policies Johnson disagreed with were President Reagan's nuclear policies. Due to Johnson’s actions, Johnson was placed under arrest. Johnson was charged with violating a Texas law. This law prohibits the desecration of the American flag. Johnson's actions were brought to a texas court. The court tried and convicted Johnson. Johnson disagreed with the conviction so an appeal was made by Johnson. The Texas court stated that Johnson broke a Texas law …show more content…

The issue brought to attention was whether or not flag burning constitutes symbolic speech. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Johnson and said that flag burning did indeed constitute symbolic speech. The court ruled in favor of Johnson by a slim five to four lead. The majority of the court stated that freedom of speech also protects actions that people may find offensive or disagree with. The court also stated that the Texas law Johnson violated, discriminated upon viewpoint. This is what Justice William Brennan had to say; "If there is a bedrock principle underlying the First Amendment, it is that the government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable. . .

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