
Text Messaging Interventions

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Text Messages and Physical Activity It is common knowledge that being physical inactive is one of the biggest reason why there is an increase in obesity and diabetes worldwide. It is also clear that with the invention of electronic devices, such as video game consoles and cell phones, there has been a decrease in exercise and an increase in obesity. Researchers are now trying to use technology, such as text messaging, in order to promote and increase physical activity and exercise to combat this growing problem worldwide. In this research paper titled “Physical Activity Text Messaging Interventions in Adults: A Systematic Review” the authors compiled an integrative research review that addressed the manner in which several research papers …show more content…

Out of the 200 publications, 67 of them were duplicate articles. After independent review by two of the authors, applying the inclusion criteria, 11 publications were included in the review. The 11 publications represented 10 studies done on text messaging and physical activity. All three of the authors were involved in the final review of the 11 final publications (Buchholz et al., 2013). The inclusion criteria to see if a study would be used for the integrative review was that the studies needed to be 1) written in English and they needed to be peer-reviewed; 2) included the population of adults, meaning that the individuals were 18 years old and older; 3) text messaging needed to be used as an intervention to increase physical activity; and 4) the outcome variable for the study needed to be physical activity or exercise. The research papers also needed to be experiment based (Buchholz et al., 2013). Of the 10 studies, six of them were randomized controlled trials, one had a quasi-experimental design, and three of the studies were single group studies. The duration of the intervention ranged from 3 to 52 weeks, with only one study spanning one full year. Some studies involved the use of pedometers or accelerometers, and those studies had pre and post-intervention measures which lasted between five days to three weeks (Buchholz et al., …show more content…

I think that it allows for a better understanding and comprehension because all of the information is available in one research paper. With all the information in one location, you can analyze the data and come up with your own conclusions regarding the subject in a shorter amount of time. I also believe that it is easier to see the research that has already been done for the specific area you are looking for and allows you to see which option would be best for your practice. I think that when I start to practice in the clinical setting, that I would be more likely to look for integrative research reviews in order to gain a greater understanding of whatever subject matter I am

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