
The American Of The Revolutionary War Essay

Decent Essays

In the years leading up to the revolutionary war, there was much conflict over the rights and wrongs of the British Empire towards the colonists. There were a few important factors and a few more minor factors that influenced patriots’ decisions to turn against their homeland and beloved monarch back in England. Thomas Paine’s childhood in England left a strong impact on him and influenced his mindset when he turned against the British. The unfairness of political and societal norms made him desire a new society that disregards social classes and allows more people to vote. Again, much of his decision to turn patriot, and his writings convincing most others to turn patriot was caused by life circumstances of being on the bottom rung of society and suffering the injustices of the government towards the common folk.
Little Tom was born to Joseph and Frances Cocke Pain on the 29th of January 1737, in the village of Thetford, in Norfolk county, England. Little did they know that in years to come he would change the course of History with his literary works. While most children in Thetford village were apprenticed as young as seven years old, Thomas learned how to read and write first- fostering his intelligence from a young age. His teachers noticed his natural tendencies towards learning and lent him literature. These books ignited a desire to visit the new world, as he later said: “My inclination from that day for seeing the western side of the Atlantic never left me.” The

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