
The Arrival - Shaun Tan

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The Arrival - Shaun Tan Where the text came from The Arrival is a migrant story told as a series of wordless images, it was illustrated by Shaun Tan in 2006. Purpose of text The fact that Shaun Tan grew up in Perth, he said was one of the main reasons for making so many novels based on the concept of belonging, he describe Perth as being one of the most isolated cities in the world, sandwiched between a vast desert and a vaster ocean, and they lived in a “freshly minted northern suburb that was devoid of any clear cultural identity or history”. Also, being half-Chinese, Tan was subject to racism and being consistently asked ‘where are you from’, he had a sense of separateness, and an unclear notion of identity and not understanding what …show more content…

By having words the reader’s imagination is forced to be limited and they interpret the image on the surface rather than letting the image have more conceptual space around it. Also, by not using words, Tan demonstrates the confusion an immigrant might feel upon arrival in a new country where the language is unknown. Obviously, this means the reader will not be able to read what the maps, newspapers and street signs actually say, so we too are forced into this world of the unknown, as the immigrant is. Facial expressions and body language – is a key part, especially in a wordless novel, in interpreting the scenario depicted in the story. On arrival of the male protagonist to the ‘new world’, the physical effects of dislocation and confusion are written on his face, which is juxtaposed to the mechanical and faceless actions of the immigration officials. Images show some of the ways characters can represent feelings of alienation, in these scene, the centre top frame shows the confusion as he tries to make sense of unfamiliar territory and language. His face and body position him as outside the circle of belonging. Structure – the narrative is driven by storyboarding and montage and is backed into reflective mode through large scale landscapes scenes. For example the opening pages depict items that relate to the emotionally heart-breaking scene where husband and wife prepare for his departure. Later the

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