
The Benefits Of Physical Fitness

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Physical fitness is to the human body a general state of health and well-being, and more specifically, the ability to perform aspects of sports or occupations.
Being fit doesn’t mean being a champion in a particular discipline, or having muscles that pop out from clothes… being fit means living healthy and accordingly being a happy person. Physical fitness is generally achieved through a correct nutrition and a regular training activity. The benefits for being fit are countless, not only the training and the healthy diet will help you to achieve a good body, but it will also clean your mind and make you more happy and relaxed.
Physical fitness, the ability to carry out tasks without undue fatigue, achieved by a correct nutrition and regular …show more content…

You obtain this energy from nutrients in the food that you eat - mostly, carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
Minerals and vitamins are other nutrients that are also important in your diet to help your body stay healthy. It is important to find the right balance between these different nutrients to achieve maximum health benefits. A balanced diet generally contains food from each of the following food groups: starchy foods (such as: bread, rice, potatoes, pasta…), fruit and vegetables, milk and dairy foods, protein foods; these include meat, fish, eggs and other non-dairy sources of protein (including nuts, tofu, beans, pulses, etc.).
Fatty and sugary foods are the fifth food group that you eat.
However, only a small amount of what you eat should be made up from fatty and sugary foods. In addition to the

above, having plenty of fiber and water in your diet is also important for your health.
The reasons that bring a person to be physically fit are numerous, from the benefits that offer to the physical body till the ones that reach the brain and improve the general status of a person’s mind at the psychological level. Fitness may help prevent certain serious diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, and heart disease. It may

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