
The Bhagavad Gita

Decent Essays

The Bhagavad Gita has a few themes that are rigorously repeated throughout the narration. Arjuna is pained with the task of deciding whether or not he should kill his family and friends. He consults in his close friend Krishna to decide what he should do and Krishna delivers many life lessons. Krishna specifically discusses dharma, karma, and how to obtain liberation from samsara. Krishna is a powerful god and confidant to Arjuna during a time of war and chaos. Arjuna, however, does not seem to realize how powerful Krishna truly is. Krishna explains that he is everything in the universe. He is the sky, earth, animals, and plants. He created everything and a part of him is in every surrounding. Krishna states, “I am the beginning, the middle, …show more content…

When Arjuna confides in Krishan that he does not think he can fight against his family and friends, Krishna tells him that it is his duty to participate in the war against evil in order to restore balance in the universe. Krishna illustrates how everyone has a duty that they must complete. He demands Arjuna to “look to your own duty; do not tremble before it” (Gita, 34). Krishna repeats this importance of dharma because it is needed to balance the karma in people’s lives. Obtaining a respectable balance in life and working off karma can eventually lead to a soul’s release from the samsara cycle. Krishna spends a significant amount of time in the Bhagavad Gita explaining how a person may be released from the continuous cycle of death and rebirth. He tells Arjuna that someone must be selfless and detached from the material world in order to obtain complete liberation. They must also ignore their own egos and focus on the divine instead. Krishna declares that “men who always follow my thought, trusting it without finding fault, are freed even by their actions” (Gita, 45). People must find God in all of their actions and turn this into a way of

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