
The Big Bang Theory

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The Big Bang Theory
What is the Big Bang Theory’s origin of the universe?
The Big Bang Theory is the leading explanation of how the universe began. It states that the universe started as a small singularity; very small, very dense, and very hot. It then inflated over the next 13.8 billion years into the cosmos we know today, and continues to expand to this day. Within the first 10 seconds of the universe beginning, the surrounding temperature was 5.5 billion degrees Celsius, or 10 billion degrees Fahrenheit. The cosmos then contained a vast array of fundamental particles such as neutrons, electrons, and protons, which then decayed or combined as the universe cooled. The afterglow, or cosmic microwave background, of the Big Bang was first predicted by Ralph Alpher in 1948, but was then accidentally found 20 years later by a team making a radio wave receiver, first thinking it was bird poo (Howell, 2017). This is a basis of what the Big Bang Theory is and what is says about the birth of the cosmos.
What people and evidence led to the development of the theory?
The theory was first introduced by Soviet Aleksandr Friedmann and Georges LeMaitre in 1927, however there was no evidence to back up the theory at this time so most scientists just ignored this very new theory, that abolished all ideas that most scientists had at this time, i.e. the theory of ‘steady state’. 2 years later, in 1929, at Mt Wilson Observatory, Edwin Hubble found the first ever evidence to back up the

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