
The Case Of Bernie Madoff

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On December 11, 2008, a Wall Street investor named Bernie Madoff was arrested for confessing to one of the biggest Ponzi schemes in history. Before that day, many people had never heard of Bernie Madoff or perhaps may not have even realized their life savings were invested through his firm. To the casual observer, the arrest was just another dirty banker being taken to court for his actions; but in reality, the arrest was devastating to financial institutions, government regulators, and the personal wealth of thousands of businesses, charities, and individuals. In all, Madoff defrauded investors of $20 billion. Having been a well respected leader and trusted advisor on Wall Street for years, friends, family, and customers never questioned his tactics even though the red flags had always been there. In the end, many people blamed the government for lack of regulation on Wall Street, but the truth is that everyone involved from the investment firms to the personal investors chose profit over due diligence. Bernie Madoff was successful for so long because he kept a high level of secrecy in his firm. If a question or a concern was brought up, he instead focused on his many years of success. In an interview with Frontline, Michael Bienes, a CPA who fed Madoff clients during his early years, explained why so many people never questioned Bernie Madoff. When asked a question, Madoff would answer in a way to confuse even an expert. As was the sentiment of many who worked with

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