
The Case With The Lakeview Regional Hospital Simulation Exercise

Decent Essays

Sometimes failure can really be the best teacher. This was the case with the Lakeview Regional Hospital Simulation Exercise. During the simulation, I learned a lot about working with a team, knowing when to stand firm and when to compromise. I have been a part of plenty of projects, but sometimes I can be a little lost when it comes to the healthcare aspects of things. It was during these times that I looked to my teammates to assist with filling in some valuable blanks about the healthcare environment. I do have a lot of experience with introducing technology, training and media relations. It was during these parts of the simulation that I could really lend a helping hand. The simulation illustrated the importance of buy-in amongst the implementation team as well as other members of the entire organizations. It showed that there will always be some inherent resistance, but that doesn’t mean that change is impossible as long as there is some flexibility. I also learned that interviewing can be a powerful tool. It is imperative to include as many perspectives as possible in order to successfully change an organization. These interviews provide individual insight as to the current state of the establishment, as well as provides many possible solutions to common problems. Through interviewing we were able to note common trends in information to provide a more complete solution to the overall problem. After interviews, the force field analysis allowed us to evaluate problems, as

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