
The Controversy Of Organ Transplantation

Good Essays

Organ Transplants
By: Ashleigh Scalf
Imagine the feeling of knowing that you saved someone's life. Thousands of people are waiting for the perfect match to arrive so they can live a happy, Healthy, and normal life outside of a hospital. Organ Transplantation is a long and hard process that many people have to encounter. Giving someone a second chance at life, what could be better than knowing you saved someone's life. That's what organ donation can give a person. The need for organs is constantly growing, and becoming an organ donor is very easy. Anyone can be a hero, become a hero and donate organs, because transplants are good and save lives. Organ Transplantation is the replacing of a bad organ with a healthy one from another person. …show more content…

But in many cases the end is worth it because they get a new chance at life. They get a second chance that wouldn’t be possible without organ transplants. And even if the transplant didn’t work and the end isn’t so good, everyone did all they could to help and try to save those people it just didn’t work …show more content…

Doctors and engineers have been working on another way to get organs a faster and more efficient way. Using 3D printers can help with their problem. They have worked on using a 3D printer to make organs that are a perfect match for patients. This can be very useful it can get an organ ready in a short amount of time helping the patient recovery faster as well. Organ transplants are hard to come by. One you have to be put in a waiting list, and people are usually on that list for a long while, just waiting for a perfect match to come. But sometimes it takes to long and some people die while still on the waiting list. But when an organ finally does come they feel bad because someone had to die in order for them to use it. So Dr Ali Khademhosseini is trying to use 3D printing to help solve this problem. His theory is he can make organs from a 3D printer, which can make the waiting list decrease faster and have people not have to die in order for a perfect match. 3D printers have been used to make Human cells, tissue, and blood vessels. But making something like a heart is much more difficult. Because you have to make the beating and pumps. (Mesley). There have been problems in the past that have just know started to show in some people. "Viruses aren't the only worry, and here too the past may serve as a guide. In 1956 injections of human growth hormone became a standard therapy for children failing to develop properly. The hormone was extracted from

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