
The Current Mental Health Policies Essay

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Policies have an important role in regulating and shaping the values in a society. The issues related to mental health are not only considered as personal but also affecting the relationships with significant others. The stigma and discrimination faced by people with mental health can be traced to the lack of legislation and protection of rights (Rodriguez del Barrio et al., 2014). The policy makers in mental health have a challenging task to protect the rights of individuals as well as the public (Swigger & Heinmiller, 2014). Therefore, it is essential to analyse the current mental health policies. In Canada, provinces adopt their own Mental Health Acts (MHA) to implement mental health services. As of January 15, 2016, there are 13 mental health acts in Canada (Gray, Hastings, Love, & O’Reilly, 2016). The key elements, despite the differences in laws, are “(1) involuntary admission criteria, (2) the right to refuse treatment, and (3) who has the authority to authorize treatment” (Browne, 2010). The current act in Ontario is Mental Health Act, 1990. The Ontario Mental Health Act has adopted a broad definition of mental health. The term broad has been defined as “any disease or disability in mind” (Mental Health Act, 1990 as cited in Gray et al., 2016). Apart from Ontario, only Quebec has adopted such a definition to mental health. Other jurisdictions have been more specific in defining mental health (Gray et al., 2016). The authors pointed out that the mental health act in

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