
The Debate Over Controversy : Turning Heads, White, And Blue Soil Of America

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The debate and controversy are turning heads, making newspaper headlines, and circulating the public’s atmosphere, concerning whether or not to enhance the Citizenship Clause. Based on the 14th amendment, anyone, no matter what race, born on the proud red, white, and blue soil of America has the right to become a citizen of the United States, similar to the “Birthright Citizenship Rule”. The Citizenship Clause curtails the Birthright Citizenship in certain cases. For example, the offspring of diplomats, attacking soldiers, and specific Native American tribe don’t have the right to Birthright Citizenship Rule. However, how do we concern those who are travelers and individuals who are residing in the United States temporarily for employment? Many individuals feel as though this certain dilemma causes the honorary citizenship of America worth less than before. As if we’re handing out citizenship as freebies to anyone.
Based on the Birthright Citizenship Rule, there are three cases in which you have the right to claim citizenship to the U.S. The first case specifies individuals born within the borders of America territory have the right to citizenship. The second case explains that citizenship is subsequent through the family tree in which your mother or father naturalized within the borders of American territory. Lastly, individuals born within a government property can claim citizenship as well.
In contrast, one of the most famous cases in 1857, Dred Scott, a slave who

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