
The Demon Serum: A Short Story

Decent Essays

Jensen throws me a look for that comment. There’s also another reason why I don’t have a single scar on my body. The Demon Serum. It took every scar off my body, even my human scar and now I’m thankful I’m wearing my gloved jacket to keep my bare and silver arm hidden. I glare back at Jensen, threatening him with my eyes not to say anything. I pull my hand out of the bag and toss it to Jensen. I have a few pills in my palm that should help heal Felix’s wrist. I hand them to him. He doesn’t have a problem realizing what pills are. There are plenty of medical pills across the city, if you can find them. He swallows them and Thorn gets him a bottle of water. “I’m glad you arrived when you did,” Felix begins. “Not just because you saved my life,

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