
Early 1900s Utopian Government

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In the late 1700s-early 1900s utopian idea and industrialization changed social life and influenced government. This was by the cause of three main topics Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism. It influenced the government each time within the end results not as how they predicted. Adam Smith is a Scottish economist laid the foundation of capitalism. Also, the evolution from Utilitarianism to socialism. Lastly, about the Karl Marx idea of the best and a fixed mind set on things. Utopian idea and industrialization led to development progress in social life and positively influenced government from the late 1700s-early 1900s through abusive capitalism, idealistic socialism, and realistic communism. The effects of abusive …show more content…

This caused them to try another system one they thought would be fair enough for everyone, in which is the idealistic form of Socialism. All major sectors of the economy are publicly controlled while less-essential sectors are privately owned. Utopians got some of the wealth. Only the “essential” sectors are controlled. It was an appealing theory because it was a compromise of capitalism and communism. Classless society, no rich, but also no poor. Everyone was equal so that meant every got what the other person got. So it was a type of scenario in which if this guy get this amount you do as well, but you couldn’t get more than the other guy or therefore it won’t be equal anymore. Since Utilitarianism is one of the most powerful and persuasive approaches they though this will help. Then again, since everyone was equal others got angry at this idea. Therefore a german philosopher, condemned a new theory, of the Utopian as unrealistic idealism. Karl Marx developed a new system, a more strict society in which could benefit the people which is the most realistic system called Communism. Karl Marx made a more strict socialism since he disliked capitalism. Communism is a form of socialism advocated by Karl Marx. All property is publicly owned and operated by the government. The workers worked for the public government, since all is controlled by the government all wealth is controlled and no individual profit is made only community profit.

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