
The Evolution Of Football Helmets

Better Essays

Josh Kalin
Prof. Partica
Paper #2
The Evolution of Football Helmets: Decreasing Traumatic Brain Injuries Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) have always been a problem in sports and especially in contact sports like football. Since the beginning of football there has been different styles of head protection, from no helmets at all in very early stages to the modern day helmets we have today. In order to know how the evolution of the football helmet has made head injuries less common than they originally were, we have to know what is a concussion and how someone gets one. A concussion is a type of TBI that is caused from an impact to the head or from a jolt of the head which can be caused by a fall. A person receives a concussion when the brain hits the side of the inner skull due to the blow. This causes the brain to become more sensitive to some aspects of life. There are three different levels of a concussion mild, moderate, and severe. All three of these forms all have different symptoms (although some overlap) and different lengths of recovery. Mild concussions are the least severe, lasting only for a couple hours to days. The symptoms that go along with mild concussions are minor symptoms that are self-limiting for a couple days but aren 't incredibly dangerous. A common problem associated with mild concussions is when players get a concussion and continue playing their sport anyway. This can cause something called second

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