
The Evolution Of Political Philosophy And Political Science

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As centuries have passed, political thought has undergone constant development and together with its development are changes. These changes had a tremendous effect in the discipline. Political philosophy continued to progress which affected both political theory and political science. It seems that with the progression of political philosophy, there was a growing need for the the discipline to become more scientific. They wanted it to be based on facts, to become value-free and to be precise. Political philosophy started veering away from the classics. Despite the continuous need to be scientific, there were still groups which remained inclined to the classics and believed that the traditions and values are essential in studying the discipline. These conflicting views concerning the traditionalists and the behavioralists caused the gap between political philosophy and political science and eventually the two separated. So it seems that as political philosophy progress, political science branched outside the academe and political theory, as it grew larger became more and more alienated. In order to explain why political science drifted apart from political philosophy, one must go back to the history of political philosophy. It is important to understand what was the state of political philosophy during the the …show more content…

Though Marx’s main point in his philosophy is that it is the capitalist who controls the mode of production and enables the bourgeoisie to exploit the proletariat or the wage-earners. He suggests there must be a class struggle so that there will be a change in the mode of production. The goal here is public ownership so a socialist revolution must occur in order to have the dictatorship of the

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