
The Femplosion By David Brooks Analysis

Good Essays

The Archipelago of Pain
David Brooks begins his article with his thesis statement: “But, at the level of the brain where pain really resides, this is a distinction without a difference.” What he is saying is that there is no difference between physical and social pain. In this case, the social pain is being inflicted be solitary confinement. It is unclear if was intentional or not, but he left out key information when trying to prove his point. Perhaps that might be his style; leaving key information out that conflicts with the point he wants to make. While this style may be affective for unintelligent or socially unaware readers, the readers that can draw conclusions for themselves, and are aware of how the justice system works are likely …show more content…

Accordingly, the only semblance of a thesis statement was found half way through the article and does not even cover what allot of the article is about. It reads: “Already, nearly half the world’s population lives in countries with birthrates below the replacement level.” Due to his scatter brained writing style it is hard ascertain what his greater point is. He first talks about the fertility drop in Iran, then randomly compares the rate to New England, then says fertility rates have dropped in Morocco, Syria and Saudi Arabia, then bounces back to Iran but instead talks about the economic implications, then swaps to Russia’s fertility drop, then to the effect of the fertility drop on Japan’s demographic profile, then India’s regional problems, and finally lands on how the US will be hurt by the fertility drop and simply stops there. He has no call to action and makes no effort to wrap his jumble up and tie it all together. His final statement is “In the 21st century, the U.S. could be the slowly aging leader of a rapidly aging world.” The sentence only has to do with less than ten percent of the article and leaves the reader utterly confused. In summation, the style of this article is highly ineffective because it is non-linear and …show more content…

certainly does not break the trend. This articles thesis statement is “The rise of moral individualism has produced a generation unable to speak intelligibly about the virtuous life.” As with many of his other articles, the style of this article is ineffective because oversteps its boundaries. He paints so many in an unappealing light with little to no basis for doing so. In this particular article, Brooks only grounds for his allegation that our “generation unable to speak intelligibly about the virtuous life” is a survey conducted on only “…230 young adults.” He incorrectly takes the survey’s finds and extrapolates them to an entire generation. The survey size is far too small to be representative of a population of that magnitude. In closing, Brooks did not have a call to action in this article but here is one for him, stop making unjustified

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