
The Glass Castle Poverty Quotes

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Often when people decide to have children, they think of their circumstances whether they are fit for it or capable of raising a child. For some people they have no control and in this case Jeanette Walls’ memoir, “The Glass Castle,” is a crucial example of the struggle she faces growing up in poverty. Jeanette Walls was not only faced with living under the conditions of poverty, she also had to deal with the chaos and neglect from her parent’s lifestyle. Although Jeanette Walls parents were irresponsible and selfish one thing Jeanette’s Walls parents managed to do right was instilling good qualities and well-raised independent adults. Not only did Jeanette Wall’s suffer drastically from poverty, she had to deal with the constant battle of …show more content…

And despite everything, her love for her father only accumulates for him. Throughout the story Jeannette at times has given up on her father but she somehow always rationalizes his actions and continues to see him as everything but a bad influence. For example, when Rex purposely throws Jeannette into the water forcing her to learn how to swim and saying, “If you don’t want to sink you better learn how to swim.” (Walls 66) Again this just proves that despite how reckless and inconsiderate her parents were at times eventually it taught her to be independent and survive. And in the end they needed this because living in poverty its almost difficult to make sure you will survive the next day. Regardless of Rex’s weaknesses in raising Jeannette soon enough it proved that Jeannette’s love and admiration for her father was impeccable and only proved that Rex played a huge role in her …show more content…

In Jeannette Walls’ Memoir “the Glass Castle,” she writes about her struggle being raised in poverty and discusses her relationship with her father. In “The Glass Castle,” Jeannette constantly writes about her relationship with her father and the significant impact he has on her. Jeannette shows us both the ugly and pretty in her father but that has never stopped her from admitting how inspirational her father was to her. One can only agree that Rex Walls was everything but a negative impact on Jeannette Walls live. In many instances he has managed to make her feel unique, beautiful, smart, and independent. Jeannette’s eagerness to quickly forgive her father is already a reason to why Rex Wall’s plays such a positive impact on her

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