
The Great Gatsby Past Quotes

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The Great Gatsby By Fitzgerald is a novel with an occurring theme, this theme is that the past must stay in the past, and that no matter how badly one should like to relive it, no good outcome in presented when chasing something you can never catch; the past. Fitzgerald uses Gatsby to establish this theme, from the time they first meet to the time Gatsby told Nick his intentions of reuniting with Daisy. When we see Gatsby standing At the end of the dock reaching for the green light he is remembering the past, and what it used to be like with daisy before the war. “He stretched out his arms toward the dark water...single green light, minute and far away, that might have been the end of a dock” (Fitzgerald Chapter 1). This is when we first see the longing and temptation from gatsby to relive what he once had, and that is Daisy, represented by the green light where the dock is at her Mansion. The imagery that Gatsby is reaching for a green light that he literally can't reach, is symbolism for how he cannot reach the past. Gatsby however, never realizes this, he is always controlled by his ambition for reaching for Daisy and her love. …show more content…

“He wanted nothing less of Daisy than that she should go to Tom and say: ‘I never loved you’ ” (Fitzgerald Chapter 6). This is when it is very clear what Gatsby is trying to accomplish, his goal is to get Daisy to abolish all the experiences she’s had with Tom. Gatsby wants Daisy to follow his ideals and to try and spark their past together. Although Daisy is stuck between choosing Tom and Gatsby, she realizes that the past cannot be relieved, because she has experienced too much with Tom, and that Tom also has a major influence in her

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