
The Guilty: The Murder Of Kevin Green

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"A Trial without witnesses, when it involves a criminal accusation, a criminal matter is not a true trial." (Bill McCollum) It is not fair to convict a person of a crime just because a person claims they are guilty. There needs to be evidence and proof to make sure they are telling the truth. People are accused wrong everyday. When people are accused wrong of something such as murder, it can ruin their life forever. One of the many people who suffered a wrong accusation was Kevin Green. Kevin Green was the husband of Dianna Green. Kevin and Dianna had fought before and had a rough relationship. On September 30, 1972 Diana Green was hit, raped, and badly beaten unconscious in her apartment. She was hit so hard she was left unable to speak or communicate at all. However, Kevin had an alibi and that was that he was not home at all when this occurred. He claimed he left his apartment to get a hamburger and when he came back he found his wife unconscious and right away immediately called police (Innocence Project 1). In addition to the attack, at the time of the assault Diana was pregnant with their baby. During the beating the baby was hit very hard. When the ambulance arrived, they saw the baby was in bad condition and tried to have an emergency C section, but the baby did not make it (Ernie 1). Overall the crime committed was …show more content…

Even though there was no evidence other than her word (Life After Exoneration 1), Kevin was found guilty of second degree murder for his baby's death, attempted murder of his wife, and assault with a deadly weapon (Innocence Project 1). November 7, 1980 Kevin was sentenced 15 years to life in prison (Ernie 1). He sat in jail for 16 years for a crime he did not commit. Additionally, he could have had a shorter sentence but he would not admit to being guilty. His trial was unfair and lacked evidence, but he was found guilty anyways and served time another man should have been

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