
The Impact Of The 20th Century On German Literature

Decent Essays

One of the few things that impacted literary movements in German literature in the 20th century was Expressionism and what the Germans refer to as “Neue Sachlichkeit”, which means new objectivity (Scherer, Conybeare & Müller, 1906). However, historical events such as the first world war led to the division of the nation into west and east Germany. Therefore, the historical impact on literature differs in both sections. While the east reckoned with the teaching of Hungary philosopher Georg Lukacs, declaring themselves as the “communist resistance of Nazism”, which led to the birth of Socialist Realism (Bahr, Ryan, & Jaeger, 2015), the political situation in the west paved the way for writers such as Bertolt Brecht, who through their work felt the need to fill the cultural vacuum created by the defeat of Nazism.
The following essay will therefore discuss the impact of the 20th century on German-speaking literature, after which it will analyse the responses of Bertolt Brecht and Günter Eich to the historical and political events.
Bertolt Brecht in response to the first world war, which he experienced as a teenager wrote an essay to the phrase “Dulce et decorum est pro patria morin”, a poet by the Roman Horace, which almost ruined his pursuit for education at the time (Bertolt Brecht, 2017). In his essay, he described the recruitment of young soldiers under the disguise of dying for their country as a “cheap propaganda for a specific purpose”, arguing that only senseless

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