
The Importance Of Critical Thinking

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Imagine you’re driving home from a long and trying day at the office, when all of a sudden a car comes zooming into your lane, nearly sending you crashing off the road. Natural instinct might cause you to honk your horn, shout out a series of profanities, or even chase the vehicle down to directly give the driver a piece of your mind. Now meet Christopher. Christopher is the driver who nearly mowed you down, who you assumed was just a jerk who thinks he owns the road. As it turns out, Christopher was also driving home from a long day at work, but instead of racing home to sink into his couch with a bag of Doritos, took a detour to pick up his pregnant wife whose water just broke. Christopher’s wife is in severe pain, screaming and crying to get to the hospital, and although he’s aware of his inconsiderate driving, he is determined to relieve his wife of her pain and ensure his soon-to-be-born daughter undergoes a safe and comprehensive birthing process. …show more content…

However, the ability to think critically serves as a primary skill in separating the innovators from the followers. Critical thinking and the exercising of introspection allow us to develop a variety of skill sets including, but not limited to: considering topics and issues in an objective and critical way, identifying the diverse array of arguments that relate to a particular issue, evaluating numerous points of view to determine their strength and validity, noticing what implications might be behind a statement or argument, and providing structured reasoning and support for any and all arguments we wish to

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