
The Importance Of Teaching Creativity In The Classroom

Decent Essays

Creative thinking is what controls our today’s imaginative economy and industrial advancements in our nation and all of the damaging issues. Our society is in need of creativity and people who need to be informed of how important it is to have creativity. It is important to bring creativity into school classrooms, to apply them and teach them because our economy is dependent on new ideas, new thoughts, and new creations. The latest lack in creativity can be solved in several steps. The authors, Bronson and Merryman, state our students (kindergarten to 6th grade) are declining and it is most serious right now, along with the “potential consequences that will come along with this impact.” This drop in “creativity quotient” is highly crucial to our economy and nation’s future. I would have to argue to bring back creativity in classrooms due to “creativity quotient steadily creeping down.” Teaching creativity in classrooms could help bring up this huge decrease and eventually start creating new, original student ideas.
Creativity is defined, by the internet, as “the use of the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work.” It is also defined as being able to paint, play an instrument, draw, and artistically create something. It is how you express yourself through different and various ways. One step to take in solving the decreasing problem that is associated with creativity is to assist students in understanding what it truly means to be

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