
The Importance Of The Bible In The Bible

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From a biblical perspective, all laws come from God and are shown to us through His Word. The Bible proves that what the student did was unethical. As a result, the college was ethically acting when they decided to punish the student for wrong doing. The Bible will prove that words are very powerful, the student’s actions were unethical, and the college has the ethical right to punish those who breaks the rules. This is not a case of right or wrong it is all about should this student be punished. While the Bible does show why the student was acting unethically it will also prove that the college should act and punish the student according to its rules.
Everyone has heard the saying, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will …show more content…

It is not just a word, it’s a weapon that has hurt many people throughout all of history.
God, the creator of the world and all that is in it, knows the power of the tongue. James supports this point in chapter 1 of his book, he wrote in verse 19, “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry” (NIV). After carefully listening, it is most appropriate to respond slowly, in order to choose the right words. God also tells us in the Old Testament what he thinks of the use of the tongue for evil. Proverbs 6 tells of the seven things that the Lord hates. Two of them pertain to words, “… a lying tongue,” and “a false witness who pours out lies.” (17,19 NIV) Hate is a strong word and when God, the creator of natural laws, says he hates something it must be very serious. Jesus also reiterated this point in the New Testament in Matthew 15, “What goes into someone’s mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them.” (11, NIV) Jesus takes the Old Testament law and describes how to live since the law was abolished. Under the law there were specific guidelines on what not to eat in order to avoid uncleanliness (sin), but Jesus says that it is what you say and the words that you use that makes you unclean (sinful). Warnings and cautions are all throughout scripture, using words to hurt others is not an acceptable practice and is considered unethical. It is also important to note words do not come out of

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