
The Importance Of Totem Poles In The North West America

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Totem Poles are not just for show, but for other very important things. There are three important reasons why Totem Poles are important. Those three reasons are 1) it showed spiritual significance, 2) who watch over the families, 3) symbolizes guardian spirits or helpers each of the animals. Totem Poles are made by the Indian tribes in the North West of America. There are many different kinds of Totem Poles like these: Genealogy, Clan, Social status, Memorial, a Deceased clan member, Mortuary, deceased. Those are just a few of the different kinds of Totem Poles. So let's talk in detail how these three things are important.

Let's talk about the first reason mentioned on how it shows spiritual significance. To the Indian tribes of the North West of America if they practiced something called Totemism then the Totem Poles would be very important because that would be their religion. They would worship the Totem Pole. The definition of Totemism is a system of belief in which humans are said to have kinship or a mystical relationship with a spirit-being, such as an animal or plant. The entity, or totem, is thought to interact with a given kin group or an individual and to serve as their emblem or symbol. not all Indian tribes in the North West America practice Totemism, only a few do. There are a few different kinds of Totemism we will only mention one. The one that will be talked about is Group Totemism. Group Totemism is a social or collective totemism is the most

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