
The International Volunteer in Urology Essay

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The international volunteer in urology (IVU) was established in 1992. Their mission is to teach and provide service, directly to patients in need of urological and surgical care. The IVU members accomplish this by teaching doctors and nurses in resource-poor areas of the world the skills they need. In return the people in these communities will have greater access to services. The international volunteer in urology has worked with many countries throughout the world. They’ve worked with countries in South America, Asia, Africa, and North America. According to the official IVU website, IVU spent a total of 4.2 million dollars in medical service to help the countries in need in 2013.

Urology is a branch of medicine that …show more content…

They spend hours with nurses and doctors of countries to educate them about urology. I hope organizations such as the IVU will be around for years to come because the world is in dyer need for their help.

Hans Rosling is a medical doctor and statistician from Sweden. Hans taught ‘Global Development’ to Swedish undergraduates. In his video, Ted talk “the best stats you've ever seen” he focused on many of the common myths that people have about world. He starts off the video by talking about preconceived notions that his students had about the statistics of Child Mortality. He gave the students a pretest to predict which of 2 countries had worse child mortality rates.
Hans Rosling also talked about myths that were common in third world countries. Myths such as the third world countries have longer lives with small families, while non-third world countries have larger families with shorter life expectancy. Hans showed this was true in 1962, until the early 2000. Most countries have moved towards a trend of smaller families and increasing life expectancy. Countries in Africa were one area lagging in life expectancy, due to a HIV epidemic in the 90s.

Hans also talked about Income distribution throughout the world, he goes on to say in the video that there is no ‘gap’ between rich and poor (in that people earn incomes at all possible rates. The riches 20% take 74% of income, while the poorest 20%

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