
The Issue Of Birthright Citizenship

Decent Essays

The question of birthright citizenship, can be one of America’s hotly debated topic; that is next to illegal immigration which it is married. “Birthright Citizenship”, addresses the children born outside the country of their parent’s legal residence, and this is not just an American issue. While this previous statement, does not specify state illegal immigration, which appears to be some of the debate of this issue, during political season this does become a talking point in political circles. The opponents’ argument is to amend the constitution or status of the birthright citizenship; the arguments presented are worth discussion; addressing the language written in the constitution, as well as the original purpose of the fourteenth amendment. They also use the reasoning of economic impact as well as the trickle-down effect it has on the federal, state government, and local communities. While on paper their reasoning may be sound; besides the fact that America stands for freedom and with open arms; the fact is the hidden agenda is racist and a backdoor attach on illegal immigration. Opponents fighting the wording and meaning of the fourteenth amendment, which source “Google” presents an excerpt of the fourteenth amendment: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside." The language was written after the American Civil war. This was done as a part of the

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