
The Legalization Of All Drugs

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The legalization of all drugs considered illegal in the United States today would do more than any other act to eradicate current social and political problems. Though many would naturally think otherwise, legalizing drugs like marijuana, ecstasy, meth, cocaine, heroin, mushrooms, LSD, and DMT would cripple organized crime, majorly reduce death and injury from drug use, unclog the court system, and make these drugs much safer to use.
Contrary to popular belief, the legalization of all drugs would make the streets a much safer place. Addicts must pay hundreds of times the actual cost of production because of the risk dealers and manufacturers have in production and distribution, so they often need to resort to crime to pay for their addiction. If drugs were legalized, the price would greatly reduce and addicts won’t have to commit crime to support their habit. Some addicts don’t make enough money to purchase their expensive fix, and feel they have no other choice but to break the law. If dugs were legalized and regulated, the price would go down drastically because there would be no more risk involved. A few grams of cocaine could be as easy to obtain and as affordable as a pack of cigarettes. Addicts would no longer need to commit crime to obtain their drugs. Some would say though, that drug related offences would still exist. For example, if drugs were legal for anyone over 21, there would be a demand for those younger, and drug related crime would still exist. Is this not

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