
The Many Signs Of Concussions In The NFL

Better Essays

Joey Jackson
Ms. Thompson
Junior English 6th hour
28 February 2017
Concussions In The NFL

In the NFL there are many different types of injuries that occur some more serious than others, however one type of injury sticks out the most when it comes to trauma after they retire, that type of injury are concussions, concussions are a very serious issue because, they can ultimately lead to CTE and the retirement of young players, this ultimately will be the demise of the NFL if something is not done. There are many signs of concussions such as headaches, imbalance, memory loss, and confusion. One of the main issues with concussions in the NFL is the way they are treated, Dr Dias Jr. stated in a recent article he published,” 91 former NFL players …show more content…

This is very reassuring that rules in the NFL can be changed with the votes of staff and an offseason to implement them. There are many remaining factors to the solution such as enforced suspensions and enforced fines on the players doing the damage, Ryan Wilson an NFL analyst states in his article,”Burfict has now been fined or suspended eight times in 53 games and it's cost him a whopping $805,000”(2). This is one of the many players constantly being fined and never changing. The league also could definitely use more time in order to help injured players and help diagnose concussions and other medical emergencies, Stated by Jason La Canfora,”The league needs medical timeouts because in the case of Chargers safety Jahleel Addae -- who returned to a Thursday night game in October numerous times and then was later diagnosed with a concussion that would keep him out for weeks -- is one that I won't soon forget, and one that seemed preventable with a beefed-up system”(3). This …show more content…

When injuries on kickoffs emerged as a concern in the 2000s, the league moved the kickoff line to reduce the rate of returns and outlawed wedges of three or more blockers”(8). The NFL doesn't just sit there and let it happen they understand and care about the safety of the players so that's why they do things like move the kickoff back. The biggest argument towards concussions is the fact that football will never be 100% safe which Mark Wilson an NFL analyst claims,
“NFL helmets will never be 100% safe and players with never be 100% safe from concussions. In the article he claims,”We’re expecting a mere 1.5 inches of foam and candy shell to decelerate a player’s head gently enough to prevent their brain from bouncing around inside their skull and causing poorly understood, but permanent and devastating injury. After talking to some of the brightest minds in helmet design, helmet testing and football physics, the elephant in the room became clear: A concussion-proof helmet is a pipe dream. If the NFL wants concussion-free football, they’ll need to redesign

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