
The Parable Of The Sower By Octavia Butler

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In the Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler, the main character, Lauren Olamina, leaves behind Christianity, a religion that she identified with her whole life and creates a new religion known as Earthseed. Earthseed is a naturalistic way of faith, based on the idea that God is changeable, therefore life, too, could change. Lauren Olamina creates Earthseed because she believes that it is what her people need in order to not only alter their chaotic and misguided ways, but to live a pro-active and positive life. "At least three years ago, my father’s God stopped being my God. His church stopped being my church (Sower, chapter 2)." Lauren 's father was a Baptist minister. His beliefs emphasized a biblical-based religion, where elements of sin and salvation were prominent. Lauren, however, did not agree much with her father 's faith. In the opening of chapter 2, she expresses her regret when she allowed her father to "baptize her in all the three names of the God that was not hers anymore." Lauren 's struggle with her beliefs inevitably inspires her to create a new religion. This new religion was known as Earthseed. Earthseed was a religion based on the process of change. It dealt with, “ongoing reality, not with supernatural authority figures (Sower, chapter 18)."Lauren believed that "the only lasting truth is change (Sower, chapter 1)”, therefore change is the only thing in life that was constant. Her new faith was also "an impersonal force that can be shaped by humans and

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