
The Pen Is Mightier Than The Keyboard : Advantages Of Longhand Over Laptop Note Taking

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The research article “The Pen Is Mightier Than the Keyboard: Advantages of Longhand Over Laptop Note Taking” was written by Pam A. Muller and Daniel M. Oppenheimer, and published by the Psychological Science in 2014. The article focuses on a series of previous research on the topic and studies with the goal of providing evidence to answer their two main questions. The first question is which one the two note taking strategies works better and increases academic performance longhand note taking or laptop note taking. The second question is how verbatim overlap (word for word) affects our learning. In the article, three studies were conducted similarly but as the studies were made something new was added to explore new aspects of learning. …show more content…

The encoding hypothesis says that writing helps to encode the information better. The external-storage hypothesis suggests that by writing down the information is helpful because you can review it later, therefore increasing retention. Even though, there has been a mix of results in these hypotheses it is certain to say that the use of these two hypotheses together can help improve the academic performance. Other research suggests that note taking can be generative (in our own words) and non-generative (word for word). Verbatim note taking tends to lower our cognitive process. The deeper the information is processed and encoded the better the comprehension and retention of the information and better it is for encoding. The research has shown that people who take verbatim notes show a lower academic performance than those who use non-verbatim notes.
In the article were three studies conducted to answer two questions “whether taking notes on a laptop versus writing long-hand notes affects academic performance and to explore the potential mechanism of verbatim overlap as a proxy for depth of processing”.
Study 1 They were 67 participants in study 1 and they were students from the Princeton University subject pool, there was an equal amount of men and women in the study and 1 unknown. Also, 2 of the participants were excluded from the study, 1 because he was already exposed to the experiment material and the other

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