
The Prince Of Los Cocuyos: An Analysis

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The Prince of Los Cocuyos certainly touches upon the topic of “Coming of Age”. Everyone experiences it at some point of his or her life. “Coming of Age” is the transition from one’s childhood to adulthood. While this transition is taking place, one gains more responsibility and privileges. It may affect a person both, physically and emotionally. Everyone experiences it differently. During this transition, you develop as a human being. In the novel, we read through Richard Blanco’s childhood in Miami. Growing up in a family of Cubans is a challenge. Through his stories, he searches for identity and belonging. Blanco shares experiences, in which he finds a sense of self. He discusses the importance of being who you are no matter what. Through knowledge and experience, Richard Blanco and I have experienced “Coming of Age”. When you are in the process of this transition, you may go through some conflicts or struggles. These conflicts will most probably teach you life lessons. You will gain wisdom throughout these years, which will make you more mature. Throughout the novel, Richard Blanco experiences many events I may identify with. However, the event that reflects my life the most was the death of Julio. Julio was Ricky’s best friend. Late at night, while his parents had been …show more content…

I felt lost and unable to express myself to others. Just like Ricky, I closed myself off from everyone around me. I wanted to be alone. After her death, I began to wonder: How could this be possible? Why do bad things happen to good people? Why? Similar to Ricky, I tried to make sense of her death. Andrea and Julio were so young, so naive, and full of life. They had a great amount of life yet to live. However, one day I tried to view the situation differently. Andrea was fearless, like Julio. She “dared to disturb the universe” as the novel quotes. She had lived every moment to the fullest –and I began to take comfort in

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