
The Problem Of Rapid Population Growth

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It took the beginning of time until 1804 to reach a world population of one billion people. Population statistics show that there were 1.6 billion people in 1900 and this figure reached 6 billion before the end of the 20th century. Over the past several decades, the world 's population has been growing exponentially. According to the population statistics, this figure is going to ascend to more than 9 billion people by the end of 2050. Recent studies shows that the growth rate of population has somewhat steadied from the prior projections due to various things such as increased education, along with higher death rates due to the spread of numerous diseases. Despite these recent projections, the overall trend of rapid population growth remains, creating numerous challenges for engineers. The main concern for engineers is that this rapid increase in population, along with fast paced industrial growth, places a tremendous strain on land, energy, and water resources that are essential for human survival. These challenges for engineers will required them to use their talents in effort to improve these situations.
One of the biggest concerns for engineers with the growing population is the tremendous strain on land. In many areas of the world, the land suited for food production is dwindling. This creates a major problem since there will be a high demand of food production with the growing population. Suitable land and mass food production are both necessary for human survival.

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